Monday, 15 February 2010

Google Buzz Widget -Display Your Buzz on webpages

You must have seen twitter API widget which displays your tweets on to your blog using JQuery.This Google buzz gadget works similarly by taking feeds from your google buzz and display on your web pages.
This widget is developed by moretechtips and is on google code.You can either download it from there and put in a direct way.

 This is a jQuery widget for the brand new social network -Google Buzz- that you can embed anywhere to integrate your buzz stream into your page.

You need to add following before </head> section.

<script type="text/javascript"  src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

First one is a jquery library and the second one is google buzz widget script.

And finally you have to add a javascript which calls various parameters from your google buzz widget javascript ,which is the second one from above two.

<script type="text/javascript">
         username:'Your googleprofile name'

<div class="my-buzz">loading..</div>

Options and Modifications-

Your googleprofile name - Replace This with your own google profile name which is generally your gmail id.
n is the number of buzzes to read (maximum 100, default 10)
show_n is the maximum amount of buzz to display simultaneously (zero disables the transition effect and the default is 1)

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