Saturday, 29 August 2009

Free Adsense Ready Wordpress Templates

The Relief in Music Wordpress Template

Thereare now literally hundreds of blogs out there that have a music ormusician theme. They usually have very stylised and highly artisticthemes from which to work from. There are only a few themes however,that are truly sophisticated in their subtlety, especially when itcomes to music themes. Relief in Music does a very good job of beingsleek and sophisticated, and all of this in two colours.
The two colours are orange and white. That’s it basically. However,this is all overshadowed (in a nice way) by a microphone graphic at thetop left of the theme in the header area. This is a truly gorgeousgraphic that really does a lot to set the tone for the whole theme.What’s more, it is so beautifully drawn that the reader cannot help butbe drawn in.
This particular theme has another neat trick. As if its makers haveexpected it to be used for commercial reasons, there is a custom spacein the middle of the header for advertising slots like Ad Sense.
The sidebar is on the right and is fully compliant with widgets. All in all, a refreshing theme, and a very
commercial one.

Adsense Ready Wordpress Templates

The Relief in Music Wordpress Template

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Thereare now literally hundreds of blogs out there that have a music ormusician theme. They usually have very stylised and highly artisticthemes from which to work from. There are only a few themes however,that are truly sophisticated in their subtlety, especially when itcomes to music themes. Relief in Music does a very good job of beingsleek and sophisticated, and all of this in two colours.
The two colours are orange and white. That’s it basically. However,this is all overshadowed (in a nice way) by a microphone graphic at thetop left of the theme in the header area. This is a truly gorgeousgraphic that really does a lot to set the tone for the whole theme.What’s more, it is so beautifully drawn that the reader cannot help butbe drawn in.
This particular theme has another neat trick. As if its makers haveexpected it to be used for commercial reasons, there is a custom spacein the middle of the header for advertising slots like Ad Sense.
The sidebar is on the right and is fully compliant with widgets. All in all, a refreshing theme, and a very commercial one.

Business Magazine Wordpress Template

Thereare literally thousands of blogs out there at the moment that focus onsome aspect of the theme of business. Whether it is the small businessthat is being discussed, or the realms of international business andfinance, there is a blog for everything.
Which leads us to Business Magazine. This Wordpress theme isparticularly suited to someone who is planning to put together abusiness news blog. It has a ton of space on there for advertising andmarketing purposes. If you want to run advertising units, there isplenty of room for them. The entire Wordpress template is primed foradvertising purposes.
However, it is still a two column theme, so in that sense it ispretty traditional. This means that the conscientious blogger who wantsto deliver good content can do so with an area that is filled withenough white space to make the words important as well as the imagery.
The sidebar can be found on the right hand side of the template. Notsurprisingly, this is totally widget compliant, so all of thosecustomisable options that widgets bring to the table can be accessed onthis template too. A good and useful template.

So Delicious 2.0 Green Wordpress Template

Backto the clean themes again, and this one is called So Delicious. Thetheme is quite possibly one of the cleanest we have ever seen. There isnot a complete absence of colour. In fact, the skin is a light green.However, the theme seems to be based on an idea of having as littlenoticeable colour as possible, and a real sense of the subtle interplaybetween light and dark.
This is also one of the most functional themes we have seen. Thesidebar is on the right, and has enough widget functionality to keepany avid blogger happy. This is a really important consideration for ablogger these days, because widgets not only hep to keep functionality,they can also aid an advertising campaign.
As if to reinforce this idea, the designers of the theme haveincluded an area in which Ad sense units can be placed with ease. Thisshows a real commercial feel to the theme, which, while it looksincredibly subtle and non-commercial, can be turned into exactly theopposite with the use of a few widgets and a few Ad Sense embeds.
Overall, a great, clean theme, and one which has obviously been geared towards commercial pursuits.

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